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Consulting (FREE)

  1. If you have or teach a child with Special Needs & need advice, help & guidance as to what you can do as parents, teachers or professional caregivers to help your child or children in the best possible way then please contact us. 

  2. We offer FREE Consulting at our Center in person, via telephone, email, Facebook, SKYPE, LINE, WhatsApp & Instagram.

  3. Remember it is always a good idea to not depend only on what you read over the internet or hear from other people around you.  It is always better to get a second & even a third opinion when it comes down to what kind of support or support program you want to best help your child now & for their future. 

  4. If you are also not happy with the special needs support your child is receiving now or feel that your child has not shown any positive improvement over a period of 3-6 months of support, then YOU ARE JUST WASTING YOUR TIME AND YOUR CHILD'S TIME BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY YOUR CHILD'S POTENTIAL & FUTURE.                                     


Counselling for children & adults with special needs. parents, teachers & professional caregivers.


​We focus on enabling families & individuals to cope with difficult behavior & situations at home, school & elsewhere, by providing  sound advice on techniques, strategies & appropriate responses to address & manage these difficulties.   


o Special Needs (ASD, PDD, etc.)

o Parenting Issues & Skills 

o Behavioral Issues   

o School Refusal   

o Social Skills Concerns & Issues   

o Self-Esteem Concerns and Issues 

o Communication Issues & Skills 

o Social Withdrawal   

o Anxiety/Stress/Mood Disorders 

o Adjustment Issues     

o Anger Management   

o Enuresis   

o OCD, etc.                                                     

Assessment :  What is our Assessment?

Our Assessment is a complete detailed & well thought out document, written after a thorough & detailed process of gathering information & facts about the child's family history, medical history, educational history, past & current problems & situations. 


We do various simple & fun tests & checks with the child, related to age appropriate physical

& mental skills, fine & gross motor skills, auditory & language processing, visual perception, working memory, behavior, etc. 


Based on the results of the child's performance, we make sound, practical, relevant & appropriate judgement & provide some options of how you can proceed forward with your child’s future support, therapy, education, work, life & career, depending on the immediate requirements. 


Assessments are done on an individual basis i.e. one child (one family) or one adult at a time. Depending on the age of the child or adult & the situation we focus & check on different aspects that would include the following:


  1. Family history & background   

  2. Family medical history 

  3. Educational history 

  4. Vestibular function   

  5. Working memory  

  6. Self-confidence & motivation 

  7. Verbal/Communication ability   

  8. Gross & fine motor skills     

  9. Speech & learning abilities     

  10. Visual Perception     

  11. Social & emotional behavior     

  12. Nutrition & diet     

  13. Body awareness & physical movement   

  14. Organizational skills & comprehension     

  15. Development problems in fetus & post birth   

  16. Social & emotional communication 

  17. Hearing ability, etc


We provide two types of Assessments   



IEP :  What is our IEP?

The IEP (Individual Education Plan)  is a comprehensively detailed & well thought out written document that outlines details of what special education, therapy & services the child needs, should receive and why. Keeping in mind that every child is unique with individual learning needs, we tailor make every IEP structure best suited to a single child’s immediate needs.  


IEP’s are only made after we have made a comprehensive assessment of the child.


IEP's are usually made for an initial 6-12 month period with regular monitoring & follow ups, including any necessary amendments if any, to the program every quarter.


IEP's equip a child with the necessary cognitive, communication, fine/gross motor, social & self-help skills, education & therapy essential for the child that could include....


  1. Specific & targeted objectives 

  2. Structured & graded teaching 

  3. Routine & graded based intervention 

  4. Occupational Therapy (OT) 

  5. Physical Therapy 

  6. Speech Therapy (ST) 

  7. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) 

  8. Social Communication Therapy   

  9. Emotional Therapy, etc.


The IEP takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks to be prepared & after sending the documents to the parents, an ‘instructional meeting’ will be held with the child’s parents and school teacher as applicable, either in person or through SKYPE depending on the location. During this meeting guidance and instructions will be given to parents and teachers on how best to implement, monitor and follow up on the IEP for the child.                                                                                                                                 

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